Computation is the tool of almost every academic field, including medicine, physics, astronomy, finance, and language. However, high-school students do not have access to resources to explore these fields, and are not exposed to advanced methods in these fields. Epoch, a student organization at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA), is working to provide these resources to the IMSA community.
Epoch is developing a student-developed CUDA-enabled high performance computing cluster to support Machine Learning (ML) and other computational workloads. Using this cluster, students can accelerate their training and computation workloads with highly-parallelized hardware.
Epoch is developing easy-to-follow curriculum to educate the IMSA community regarding ML and other computational fields. In addition to our Intersession events, we also hold various seminars throughout the year to engage the IMSA community.
Board members manage the direction and operation of Epoch to ensure smooth operations and steady progress towards our goals.
Shadow board members train under their main board counterparts to understand how Epoch works and to ensure a smooth transfer of power.
Epoch needs money to build and maintain its servers, as well as support community outreach and activities with our project teams. Please support us by donating to the IMSA Fund. To ensure that your donation is designated to Epoch, write "Donation to Epoch" in the optional "Designated Gift purpose or In Honor or Memory of" section.
The IMSA Fund for Advancement of Education is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Gifts to the IMSA Fund are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The IMSA Fund Tax Identification Number is #36-3422778.
Thank you for your support!